The average house price on QUEEN TERRACE is £220,818
The most expensive house in the street is 16 QUEEN TERRACE with an estimated value of £307,802
The cheapest house in the street is 14 QUEEN TERRACE with an estimated value of £126,834
The house which was most recently sold was 2 QUEEN TERRACE, this sold on 18 Aug 2023 for £235,000
The postcode for QUEEN TERRACE is TS25 1BE
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 QUEEN TERRACE Detached £258,830 £165,000 9 Apr 2014
2 QUEEN TERRACE Terraced £239,316 £235,000 18 Aug 2023
4 QUEEN TERRACE Semi-Detached £212,755 £112,000 3 Dec 2004
10 QUEEN TERRACE Terraced £213,098 £125,000 19 Nov 2012
12 QUEEN TERRACE Terraced £187,091 £57,995 23 Nov 2001
14 QUEEN TERRACE Terraced £126,834 £105,000 7 Aug 2020
16 QUEEN TERRACE Semi-Detached £307,802 £173,000 31 Mar 2006